Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Things That Creep the Hell Out of Me


Thinking about it, the whole idea of some drunk, that completely let his life go to hell entertaining your kids with cheesy tricks and balloons that resemble phallic objects is truly disturbing. 


When you're a kid its just one of those things that you don't even think about, its just another insect that you can stick in a jar, maybe give it a twig and a leaf to "recreate" its natural habit.

Pet Owners that Resemble their Pets:

I've heard that with time married couple's begin to look like each other, but it's takes it to the next level if its even the same species.

Bonsai Kittens:

This one is actually a twofer, not only is it creepy as shit, but really sad at the same time, these poor kittens spend their entire terrible life crammed into a small jar. Forget video games, the people who do this are the ones  that grow up to be cereal killers. Oh well, I'm a dog person.

Cheap Easter Bunny Costumes:

As a kid I guess I didn't know any better but now it really dawned on me. Sitting on a guys lap who's wearing a left over prop to the movie Donny Darko isn't really the ideal image I want to think of when I think of Easter.

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